Story: The fofo monster

Sh... The fofo monster is coming

Kiranjeet Kaur
1 min readJan 19, 2023

Stormy night, tree leaves dancing with the wavy move of air. It looks like a monster coat flying in the air. Everything looks terrifying. This stormy night creates an image of horror. A brain with scary thoughts creates a spine-chilling imagination.



This sounds like a musical note of the monster piano.

Contemplation looks like a ‘Fofo monster’.

Fofo Monster ????

The Fofo monster is too scary by face. Whose face is full of scars. Wider teeth with mouth bleed. His eyes look like a sphere of a hole. His hands look like a skeleton flip-flop.



Move on……

Yes, Mishi loves to read scary books. When she reads her books, and then her imagination works and creates the character of a monster, she usually pronounces it as a ‘Fofo monster’. She mostly reads scary books before going to sleep.

So, it's all upon our imagination when we read horrific stories.

Thank you for reading!

© Kiranjeet Kaur ,Dec 2022

